What the Bible really teaches about End Time Prophecy

endtime prophecy

End Time Prophecy is actually a misnomer. The Bible does not speak of the end of time; instead it mentions ‘the time of the end’ (Daniel 12:4,9)

Did you know that the ‘end time’ and the ‘last days’ referred to the time of the Apostles? Biblical End Time Prophecy was fulfilled in the time of the New Testament writers, who wrote with certainty concerning their contemporary existence in the last days.

The End Time was 2000 years ago

The Apostle Peter wrote circa 55AD “…the end of all things is at hand..” 1Pet 4:7

The end of all things was ‘at hand’ two thousand years ago! It cannot be that the end is still at hand. Such an understanding is contrary to sound doctrine. Peter could say that the end of all things was at hand, because he saw every end time prophecy of the Old Covenant being fulfilled in his time. He also saw the signs of the end given by Jesus being fulfilled one after the other in his time.

The Last days were 2000 years ago

For example, in Paul’s letter to the Hebrews, he wrote that God “has in these last days spoken unto us by his Son…” (Heb 1:2). The letter to the Hebrews was written circa 55AD, some two thousand years ago. At that time, Paul said it was the ‘last days.’

Not only did he say it was the last days, but ‘these last days.” This indicates that Paul understood the last days to be present in his time. He had no intention to communicate a ‘last days’ that was thousands of years into his future.

We in the 21st Century are NOT in the Last Days

The Biblical Last Days referred to the last days of the Old Covenant World. The Old Covenant World ended at the destruction of the Jerusalem Temple in 70AD

Christians have failed to understand this and have extended the ‘last days’ to over two thousand years! Scriptures that specifically are for the last days of Israel’s probation, have been misapplied throughout centuries, resulting in disappointments by sincere believers and ridicule by skeptic scoffers.
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