Modern-day Hurricanes, Earthquakes, Political Upheavals and Climate Change are Not signs of Jesus’ Second Coming!

The signs that Jesus gave to his disciples were events leading up to the Destruction of Jerusalem’s Temple!
The signs that Jesus told his disciples to look for, were not events to occur thousands of years into the future, but were events which they would see leading up to the destruction of Jerusalem and its Temple!
In fact it would have been absurd to tell his disciples to look for signs which he knew they could not possibly see in their lifetime.
All the signs Jesus gave his disciples were events that they were to look for, and which they did see, as confirmed in the New Testament scriptures.
The Signs that Jesus gave have already come to pass during the time of the Apostles
The Most Well-known Sign – the Gospel to all people – happened before the Temple’s destruction!
“And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.” Matthew 24:14
Let’s see what the Holy Spirit-filled Apostle Paul said about the preaching of the Gospel in his day. In Romans 10:15-18, Paul indicated that the first Christians had already preached the Gospel to Israel, but “they have not all obeyed the gospel.” He testified concerning the preachers of the Gospel in his day, that “their sound went into all the earth, and their words unto the ends of the world.”
Don’t miss this incredible testimony from Paul. He was saying that in his day, circa 55AD, the gospel had already gone into all the earth and unto the ends of the world! Even though many had not obeyed the gospel, it was to them a witness.
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Paul said the Gospel was already preached to every creature under heaven
Again, let’s see another incredible testimony from the Apostle. Paul wrote about “the gospel; which is come unto you, as it is in all the world.” He goes on to say that “the gospel, which ye have heard, …was preached to every creature which is under heaven!” Col 1:5, 6, 23
Here Paul echoed the Gospel Commission given by Jesus, “Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.” Mark 16:15. Creature, we understand, not to be beasts and insects, but people – the people of Israel.
By the time of the writing of Paul’s letter to the Colossian believers, God’s Old Covenant people had all heard the Gospel of the soon coming Kingdom of Heaven and its King – the Lord Jesus. That was God’s obligation to let them know that the prophesied kingdom had come, and that the prophesied king was now reigning. It was their obligation to believe and obey the gospel.
The Old Covenant World ended when the Romans destroyed the Temple at Jerusalem
The Old Covenant World was soon to end, and with it the Old Covenant and its associated Laws, Temple, City and Land. The disciples had preached the Gospel to all Israel before that end came. Israel’s end came when the Romans destroyed the Temple at Jerusalem.
Paul indicated that in his time, all Israel had heard the Gospel. What did Jesus say would happen when the Gospel of the Kingdom had been preached to all Israel? The end would come! The end of the Old Kosmos World and the end of the Old Covenant did come at the destruction of the Old Covenant Temple and the Old Jerusalem!
Click Here to Discover MUCH MORE evidence from the Scriptures outlined in an extraordinary book.

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Why Christ Has Already Come Back…
And Why The Church Would Never Believe It
Discover the Truth concerning the Coming of the Son of Man in the Clouds of Heaven!

Everything is Temple! My New Book

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