Covid-19 Pandemic – a Last Day Plague?

Is the COVID-19 Pandemic one of the pestilences and plagues of the Last Days?

Many are deeming the recent Covid-19 pandemic outbreak as a sign of the last days, the end times and the second coming.

The failure of the modern church to understand and teach the scriptures in their proper context, results in every virus outbreak, hurricane, earthquake, military conflict and political election being hailed as a “sign of the end.”

However, when the writers of the scripture mentioned the ‘last days,’ they were always speaking of the last days of the Old Covenant Age. That age ended with the destruction of the temple at ancient Jerusalem in the year 70.

All the signs that Jesus gave to his disciples, pestilences and all, were signs of the then coming destruction of the temple at ancient Jerusalem.

The Covid-19 pandemic and other virus outbreaks that happen today, have absolutely nothing to do with the signs that Jesus gave!

The plagues that were mentioned in the Revelation, were poured out on those Israelites who had rejected the Lordship of Jesus Christ. These plagues were the curses brought upon them as a result of their failure to fully keep the Torah Covenant.

The Israelites suffered tremendously during the three and a half year siege of Jerusalem from the year 66 to 70. This is what is represented in the Revelation as the pouring out of the plagues.

The Last Days were in the First Century

A careful study of the scriptures indicate that the Last Days were during that period when Jesus ministered to Old Covenant Israel, right up to the destruction of the temple.

God poured out the Holy Spirit in the Last Days… in 31AD

The promise of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit was to be fulfilled in the last days. According to the Old Testament prophet Joel, the Holy Spirit was to be poured out in the ‘last days.’

Therefore, whenever the Holy Spirit was poured out, that would have been a sure sign of the ‘Last Days.’

Christ Has Already Come Back!