Australia Fires and Puerto Rico Quakes – End Time Signs?

end time signs

The natural disasters which are occurring these days have nothing to do with the ‘end time signs’ Jesus gave

It seems these days that every new morning we awake, we are greeted with news of some tragic mega-calamity, or natural disasters of greater magnitude. Many are saying these are the Biblical end time signs.

Were these events really prophesied by the Bible prophets? Did the Bible foretell these natural disasters and upheaval? What about Jesus’ ‘end time signs?’

The natural disasters Jesus spoke of, happened in the time of the Apostles

Acts 16:26 described “a great earthquake” which occurred at the time Paul and Silas had been imprisoned. This quake was so violent that it shook free their shackles from the walls of the prison so that the iron gates swung open!

Acts 11:28 tells us of a great famine that came upon the empire during the time of Roman Emperor Claudius Nero. It recorded, “…a great famine is about to be over the whole world — which came to pass under Claudius.”

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