Coming in the Clouds of Heaven

“And then shall they see the Son of man coming in the clouds…” Mark 13:26

Did Jesus Mean He was Literally Coming Back in Atmospheric Clouds?

The modern church is still looking to see Jesus coming in the clouds in the skies. However, the scripture speaks of unseen realities, which are coded in symbols taken from the natural realm.

Jesus said to Eat His Body and Drink His Blood!

Jesus said, “He who eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life.” John 6:54
This saying of Jesus offended the Jews and even some of his disciples, because he was clearly speaking a kingdom parable which they heard, but did not understand. They focused on the symbols of the parable and had no idea of the spirit reality that Jesus was speaking of.

I don’t know of a single Christian today who believes that Jesus meant that his followers were to literally eat his flesh and drink his blood.

Yet, when it comes to the Son of Man coming in the clouds, the modern church teaches that this event is totally literal!

The Modern Church is Looking for Jesus to come in a Physical Body in Atmospheric Clouds!

They might as well be eating literal human flesh and drinking human blood!

Christ Has Already Come Back!