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When is Jesus’ Second Coming?

Most Christians have a sincere desire to know more about the Second Coming of Christ. With all the calamities of these times, many are wondering if now is the time when will Jesus come again.

They are honest persons, who acknowledge also that there may be some things that they don’t know concerning the Second Coming of Christ. Others think that the Rapture of the Church is soon while there are those who are not sure.

It seems that there are so many different scenarios, we wish that there was a source for reliable information on the second coming of Christ. What is the best book on the second coming that is available? Then again, what will happen when Jesus returns? Many have no clue.

Overlooked Evidence on what Jesus said about his Second Coming

However, many diligent students of the Bible have been discovering that the Bible has a lot to say about when will Jesus Christ come again, which Christians have been overlooking. And what they have found is very shocking.

Not only are these facts shocking they are also troubling. Why? Because they bring to light a frightening pattern of events.

God’s people missed the Coming of Elijah

Think about this. The Jews, God’s ancient people, were in the dark concerning the promised coming of Elijah the prophet.
Yet Jesus informed his disciples that the ministry of John the Baptist had fulfilled the prophecy concerning Elijah.
Look at what Jesus told his disciples about this.
“For all the Prophets and the Law prophesied until John, and if you are willing to accept it, he is Elijah who is to come.” (Matthew 11:13-14)
Only a tiny remnant of Israel had the understanding that God had already sent Elijah the prophet in the ministry of John the Baptist!

So the prophecy concerning the coming Elijah was fulfilled under the noses of God’s people, yet they were completely unaware of it.

God’s people missed the first Coming of Jesus

Furthermore, God’s ancient people of that same generation were also clueless concerning the arrival of the promised Redeemer. The majority of Israel did not know that Jesus of Nazareth was the fulfillment of the ancient prophecies.
“He came to his own, and his own people did not receive him.” (John 1:11)
We see a pattern being established here.

As in the case of the fulfillment of the prophecy concerning Elijah the Prophet, only a tiny remnant of Israel had the understanding that God had already sent the Redeemer in the person of Jesus of Nazareth!

This was yet another prophecy fulfilled under the noses of God’s people, and again, they were completely unaware of it – a quite disturbing pattern.

Just like in the previous two occasions, what happens when Jesus comes back and when will the Second Coming happen had been under the noses’ of God’s people all the time and they were completely unaware of it.

Have God’s people missed the Second Coming?

I am submitting to you, that the prophecy of the ‘coming of the Son of Man in the Clouds of Heaven’ was also fulfilled to the same generation of God’s people – Israel, that same generation which had been unaware of the coming of Elijah the prophet and the coming of the Redeemer.

And as before, that same generation also were unaware of the ‘coming of the Son of Man in the Clouds of Heaven.’ This Triple Pattern of Prophetic Events illustrates a pattern of blindness of God’s people.

3 Shocking and Surprising Facts That the Bible Teaches about the Second Coming

This Free book that I am offering you shows 3 undeniable and indisputable facts concerning Jesus’ teaching of his Second Coming that will forever change the way that you understand this event.

When you have learned these 3 shocking and surprising
facts, you will realize that they are a piece of hidden treasure. And like the man in Jesus’ parable, I trust that you will sell all that you have to obtain the remaining treasure.

The 3 shocking and surprising facts about the second coming in this book, would show Jesus’ clear teaching on his Second Coming. You would no longer be wondering “Oh, when will Jesus return again?” or “My goodness, when will the second coming be?”

This book shows you three clear statements made by Jesus, concerning the time of his coming, the location of his coming and the people whom he had promised to come to.

The evidence will astonish you. But the information had been right there in the pages of your Bible, right under your very nose!

Download your free copy of this book now!


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Christ Has Already Come Back!